dear enjoyers of a good emoticon,
well i must say that the most exciting slash terrifying thing that has happened this week was definitely the call i received to be a trainer again. i was not expecting to be called again especially not so soon but hey it’s good to know that these calls always come from the lord. Elder Gill is a fantastic missionary. He has such a strong testimony of the power of the Holy Ghost and he shows it by trusting in the lord and doing exactly what the lord would have him do, when the lord would have him do it. He's going to be a fantastic missionary and I'm grateful that i get to serve with him and get to know someone so cool. I've been blessed a lot on my mission with fantastic companions.
so in other news we did missionary work this week! we spent most of our time finding this week because Angel has been caught up at work and Lorraine, Cartier, and Tom have all been away on holiday. But! lorraine is back now so we can continue teaching her Yay! as always we've found some great success as we've set goals and prayed for help to achieve them and then did everything in our power to reach our goals (while respecting the agency of others) something I've really noticed in our work this last week is that sharing the gospel really is a very natural thing to do. i feel like we're all kind of conditioned and taught by the world that sharing our beliefs is bad and rude and something only crazy bigots do for no good reason. but when we look at what the gospel has done for us personally, and also just how amazing the message really is it is naturally to share with others what has made us us. as I've talked to people this week I've been working on trying to get to know and love all those i speak to and as i have done so I've been amazed at how much people have opened up to the message of the gospel. if someone comes to you with a cut you give them a band aid, if someone comes to you thirsty you give them some water, so of course it is natural that when we meet people who are thirty for something greater than water, and cut in ways that don't always appear on the surface we naturally want to share with them the great power and blessing of the atonement and gospel of Jesus Christ. it truly will help everyone no matter where they are where they've been and no matter what they're going through there is always a principle of the gospel that applies to them. The gospel is amazing and the more i learn about it the more that i love to share it.
I LOVE being a missionary!!!!!!!!!
Elder Jarman

pps. i would have to say small flying shoulder monkey. i'm pretty sure that that counts
ppps. namaste! miro nam Elder Jarman Ho! mo Jesus Christ bisvasgiso. . . . miro napali no ramro
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