Friday, October 25, 2013

June 24, 2013 a marvelous escapade that may or may not involve a potentially explosive car, wire transferred money, and frequently renewed bus passes

Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 4:27 AM
Subject: a marvelous escapade that may or may not involve a potentially explosive car, wire transferred money, and frequently renewed bus passes

 Dear anyone that enjoys, or at least frequently notices, the beeping noise that is on occasion made when entering a public store,

 Joe and Benita came to the visitors centre at the temple with us this last week. It was a really powerful experience for all involved. The Serrano family drove them down and the entire family attended together. This was really cool because the Serrano family recently returned from less activity and has not yet participated in the blessings of the temple. So all together learned and felt the spirit as the sisters there taught about how the temple blesses and helps families and how what is done in the temple is central to our heavenly fathers plan for our happiness. We had told the sisters to focus on teaching about families in teaching and touring the Serrano’s and they did a fantastic job. During one point of the tour when the sisters asked Joe how he felt about what had been learned so far he got emotional and bore his testimony of Joseph Smith and the restoration of the church and gospel of Jesus Christ. He is spending a great deal of time and effort now teaching and helping his wife Benita to understand and feel the importance of this message. And she has been responding. Whereas before she just kinda sat there in the lessons she now participates and reads and explains scriptures as we teach. She is now genuinely committed as well for the sixth of July!

 Megan Gilber as well has been doing really well as she's been preparing for the 13th. she told us this last week that many of her friends have not understood and even mocked her when she told them about her up and coming baptism but she doesn't mind and she knows why she is going to do it and that is what is important to her. She is a very strong individual and has even already made plans to go to efy this summer as well! Her mother has been improving loads this week as well. She has been making steps to reactivate herself and it seems to me like she is doing this in part because she realizes that she needs to be an active member in order to offer her daughter the support that she wants to. That’s one of the great things about the gospel of Jesus Christ; it makes us want to be better for those we love. Love is the one of the greatest and most lasting motives that I have seen and experienced. We want to be better because we love those around us and we know we need to improve to be a better father, mother, brother sister, or friend. We may try self-improvement in other methods but the most sure and enduring changes and improvements come as one accepts and applies the teachings of Christ into their lives and into their relationships.

I’m very blessed as a zone leader. The missionaries in this zone are all, as far as we can tell, hard working and obedient missionaries and as such the work in this zone continues to improve and increase. We do most of our work as zone leaders in training and supporting the district leaders as well as training them in their responsibilities and they then do everything that they are called to do and the work hastens. The zone currently has 13 people preparing for baptism which is about double from what is was a few weeks ago and nearly every companionship in this zone is teaching around twenty lessons a week. faith+obedience=the spirit. the spirit+hard work= miracles.

Life is pretty good!

 with love

Elder Jarman

 ps. I have eaten more cow stomach in these last few weeks than I think I have eaten in my entire life. They call it shakkee and it's surprisingly good with pepe stew and rice

 pps. Our car broke this week so we spent a little bit of time exploring London from the sidewalks. It was an experience that I enjoyed more than I thought I would.
The Serrano Family with Elder Patten and I in front of the temple,
Joe and Benita are the ones in the middle.

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