Monday, November 26, 2012

the woes and wonders of turkey shaped bowls in comparison to bowels of shaped turkey

Dear those that prefer to be stuffed with turkey than to eat turkey stuffing,

Without too much ado I would like to dedicate the remainder of this email to something else:
I am grateful for my Father in Heaven and all that he has blessed me with (which is a lot).  I am grateful for the plan of salvation that he has made for us. I am grateful for Jesus Christ and his Atoning sacrifice.

And to save on space,  I will now commence with the remainder of begratitudes: the book of Mormon, the gift of prayer, fried eggs, English chocolate, Elder Gill, my new winter coat, the winter, the word "winner", the opportunity I have to teach the gospel so regularly, England, Crumpets, how milk tastes after the cereal, the opportunity to see Natalia progress and prepare for baptism, (side note: she gave a talk this last week in sacrament meeting! it was the young women’s program so she spoke about the Holy Ghost and about the influence it has had in her life as well as how excited she is to be baptized on the eighth! It was really cool),
President Millar, My father, My father’s tendency to grow a beard twice a year, warm shoes, colorful ties, uplifting sacrament meetings, the sacrament, my siblings and their influence on me, a library with a heating system, books in general, School, Hot chocalate, Herbal Tea, the great blessing of teaching a man named Mark this week…

(k this story is really really cool. Mark met the missionaries in a different area about an hour after his mother’s funeral.  His mother had always been religious and had tried to help Mark find that joy as well but Mark never got too much into it. When he met the missionaries, he took it basically as a sign that he needed to find God in his life. So he agreed to meet up and his details were sent to us. We taught him for the first time last Tuesday.  We taught him about the plan of salvation and especially Jesus Christ's central role in the whole plan. He told us that when we first came in he was really nervous and kind of anxious about meeting with us, but as we talked he felt a calm come over him.  He talked about the guilt he's felt in his life from past mistakes and his desire to raise his family right. We taught him about the blessings of baptism and he accepted a baptismal date! It was an amazing teach and Mark is one of those people that I feel blessed to even know. He is so humble and has such a sincere heart and desire to learn. We're quite exited!)

…working back packs, the fact that my mother taught me how to sew buttons onto stuff, my mother in general and all that she taught me about life, the gospel, and cooking :), that Mormon message about gratitude, hot showers, scrambled eggs, peppers, smiling about things, meeting new people and learning about them, honest and sincere conversation, cloud breaks, cloud bursts, wind, RAIN (I really do love rain!), the fact that I have not yet heard the song "last Christmas" in England yet, letters from friends, being able to see so many of my friends serve missions and receive the blessings of missionary work,

(side note on this: I read a talk this last week on pride and humility. it compared the human way that people try to elevate themselves above others, either by demeaning others or by focusing on obtaining things that we think will raise us higher than the next person, to the example our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ set by continually seeking to raise all of us to where they are. It stated that to follow their example we need to seek to lift others up rather than pridefully seeking to lower others.),

…the fact that it is really easy to select what shirt I will be wearing each day, Music!, Hymns in general as well I mean seriously hymns are completely underrated, muffins (both English and American style), jingle bells, harmonicas, Choral singing in church settings, the spirit that so often softens hearts of others, the gift of testimony, the assurance of gospel living, tender mercies in all their various shapes colours and substances, the support I still receive from my friends at home and abroad, pictures of funny moments, pens that work consistently, all you can eat buffets, American Pancakes, Elder Gill for finding a recipe for American pancakes that is easy enough for even me to cook, balconies, fake mustaches, English senses of humor, Humor overall, study journals, personal journals, planners, Preach My Gospel, Fish and Chips, Kebab and Chips, Roast Potatoes, Yorkshire puddings, Music related alarm clocks, interesting doorbells, funnily shaped bushes, and modern day prophets.
well that is a small yet incomplete list of some of the things that I am finding mucho gratitude for at the moment and I’m also grateful for all of your guys love and continued support.

with love
Elder Jarman

ps. I just realized that nearly half of the things in my list were some kind of food. . . . .

pps. my apologies for those who desire and request details concerning weekly activities

ppps. no but seriously we are seriously blessed so much its incredible,

pppps. why do we celebrate giving thanks by eating food. I mean I’m not complaining but really. . . where did this come from

Monday, November 19, 2012

exaggerated experiences excite enormously, even extraordinary expanations envy every explicit entreaty

Dear faithful readers of at least the subject line and first line of every letter i write,
i would like to congratulate each weekly reader for their dedication in enduring through approximately fifty two meaningfully meager subject lines and uncounted ps.'s in their quest to follow mine adventures. for each of those that prefer to participate annually i welcome you for the second time.
around the time that i am writing this letter i can say that exactly one year ago i first saw the green and pleasant knolls of england. it's always a weird experience to come to anniversaries so hopefully i won't spend too much time on this subject but i do want to write a few thoughts i've had. first is the most obvious. the time has flown by! the only way i can begin to actually understand that i have in fact been on my mission for a year is when i think about the person that i was when i first came out, the way i viewed the world, myself, and this work is probably the most notable, at least to me, indication of the passage of time. what i have come to realize though is that even though i'm on what most people consider to be the downhill i very much still feel like i'm just in the middle. i've gained valuable experience in the last year of service and i plan on continuing this process with the only change the increase of effort and diligence that i now can put into the work. as we strive to fulfill our callings the lord changes us so that we are able to give more of ourselves to this work. perhaps because as we serve the lord we find that there is now more of us to give.
the highlight of this week for us was the opportunity to teach the solari family twice. Rob and Carly have both had incredible and trying experiences in their lives and already i have been impressed with their dedication to each other and to their family. as we taught them about the restoration, they both understood and applied what we taught them and asked meaningful questions that showed their real intent in learning about the gospel. we also had a great experience seeing them again later in the week. we found the solari family by knocking a street that a family in the ward had prayed about for us to knock. so when we saw the solari family for the second time we brought this family around as well so that they could participate in teaching the family that they, by inspiration led us to. it was great to see both the members enthusiasm and the connection that they had with the solari family.
i also had an opportunity to give a talk in sacrament meeting about missionary work this week. in preparing the talk i was amazed and pleased to learn that the same principles that apply to preparing for and teaching people on an individual basis help as we prepare to give talks. as i prayed for guidance and followed the impressions i received in the writing and preparing of the talk i was guided and helped to create a talk that i felt would both inspire the members here and give them some of the tools that we need to share the gospel with our friends. i learned again as we honestly strive to do all we can the lord will strengthen us every step of the way, giving us guidance as well to help us do more than we could ever do on our own.
Natalia is still preparing for the eight of december and is integrating and supported by the ward amazingly well.
the work is still just as amazing as it was a year ago :)
have i mentioned that i love it here!
with love
Elder Jarman
ps. in three weeks it will be the anniversary of my first crumpet. i will give you three guesses to guess how i will celebrate that event
pps.i may or may not have broken down and broken out the christmas music last night.
ppps. is it thanksgiving this thursday?

parliment, poppies and a whole new perspective on the word conflageration {November 12th, 2012}

dear those who facilitate their nasal faculties at least frequently,
have i ever mentioned how much i love the month of November? (or mo'vember currently (as in mo'stache novemeber) as it is over here) november has always been one of my favorite months. with all the color changing leaves, crisp autumn air, and the whole thanksgiving thing what’s really not to love. november is a little bit different in england than what i'm used to here. first off they've actually moved the fourth of july to the fifth of november over here and changed its name to guy fox night. the basic idea is that on the fifth of november years and years ago a man named guy fox tried to blow up the parliament building but failed. and so to celebrate the non-explosion of the british government they instead explode lots of other things instead. it's quite fun :) another important advent in novemeber is on the eleventh of november we had remembrance day. it's a day set aside for the remembrance of those who have given their lives in the protection of freedom. those who have sacrificed themselves for the good of many. as part of this everyone wears a poppy on their lapel to commemorate those sacrifices. yesterday during sacrament meeting we had a two minute silence in respect and reflection of the price that has been paid for our freedom. during this silence it really overcame me just how much has been done for me and for us. the number of people that laid down their lives for others. to protect each of our individual freedoms and liberties. the things we take for granted came at a much higher cost than we can ever truly comprehend. as well my mind was drawn to the greatest sacrifice that has ever been made, the great atoning sacrifice of Our Savior Jesus Christ. i thought of John 15:13 where it says greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. when i think about how great a price was paid for my own freedom it makes me realize just how precious of a gift it is. how much we should treasure it, how much thanks we should give for it, and possibly most importantly with what great care we should use it. He did not die for us so that we could waste what he has given us but so that we can succeed gloriously and eventually return to live with our Father forever. i know that this is true. i can bear testimony that i know that Jesus lived and that He died so that all man may live.
i love being a missionary because i get to share this amazing message with people, to help them realize how precious they are, and to help them receive the blessings of this atonement. natalia is still currently preparing for baptism on the eight and is progressing really well. we were able to teach her and her mother this last week! so hopefully her mother will begin investigating soon as well. other than natalia, we had some great miracles in our finding this last week. we found two new families to begin teaching! one is Rahina and Rosie Singh, a great couple from northern india. and another great couple called Rob and Carly. Rob and Carly were an especially cool miracle because we found them knocking a street that some members of the ward had prayed for us to knock. after we reported back to the members about who we were able to see they got really really excited and told us that they actually knew the couple very well and had tried before to introduce them to the church unsuccessfully, but now they’re both willing and wanting to listen and to learn more!
Missionary work is so much fun!
i love you guys and i'm super grateful for all of your support and help. i feel your prayers and am grateful for them.
with love
Elder Jarman
ps. i haven’t been able to shake the feeling that someone is probably going to start balding tomorrow. i'm not sure why. . .
pps. or maybe just some gray hair and a mountain of wrinkles. . .
ppps. also! i'm pleased to announce that it is no longer untrendagain to wear scarfular devices in public.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

i dont think it's actually a beaver.. . . it's more beaveresque than anything else

dear pencil users,
i'm going to preface this letter by apologizing for the last of space in-between the opening stanza (if you can call it that) and the final post script. for various and mostly non explosive reasons we're a little bit short on time today so i just want to share two great miracles from this week.
we started teaching a girl named natalia this week. she investigated the church about two years ago after she was invited to be taught by her member friend. even though natalia never really had any religious background she was really interested in the church. after being taught for a while she accepted the commitment for baptism but in the end she wasn't able to because her mom wouldn't let her. fast forward two years. natalia has been attending church and young women consistently for the last two years and has also been attending girls camps and family home evenings at members’ homes. recently she persuaded her mom to let her join and this is where we come into the picture. so here is natalia a fifteen year old girl absolutely full of faith and testimony now finally able to join the church that she loves and we get to be here to see her finally make this last step into the baptismal covenant! needless to say we're very very excited and grateful that we get to be a part this whole process.
yesterday we decided to stop by the home of a part member family that we didn't really know that well. a woman named kelly white. much to my surprise we quickly learned that she was from Utah. so we basically had an instant connection. then much to my greater surprise i found out that she is actually the niece of a certain sister nelson who lives in bountiful in the area around muir elementary. (sound at all familiar?) we talked with her for a little while as well as her super super nice nonmember husband named peter. before we left kelly asked us if we could give her a blessing because she was going through a difficult time with her schooling. she explained to her husband a little bit about what a blessing is and why she would like one and then we proceeded to administer her one. during the blessing the spirit came into the room really strongly and after the blessing was finished i looked around to peter to see how he was reacting to the spirit in the room. he was standing in the corner with a happy yet mildly puzzled expression on his face. after sitting there for a moment he asked us if it were at all possible for him to receive a blessing as well. we we're more than happy to oblige. once again the spirit came upon us all very strongly and afterwards when he was thanking us he mention just he just felt really really good and he didn't really know why. we explained it to him :) so he's not investigating yet but he did promise us that he will attend church with us very soon. :)
so that’s all i have time for today (apologies again) but we've had a great week and we're planning on having an even greater one next week. this happens quite frequently while in the mission field.
with love
Elder Jarman
ps. i just realized a few days ago that the worlds going to end in like a month! weird huh.
pps. will someone please check to see if sister Nelson has a niece named kelly. please and thank you!
ppps. it would be really hard to type if you only had two fingers. . . i mean think about it
pppps have i mentioned i love it here lately?