Thursday, June 7, 2012

April 23rd, 2012 {keep your companion close but your nerf gun closer}

dear Utahnites of moriancum,
well as it turns out it happens to be a p-day again so i happen to be writing to all those people i knew before i began to write e-mails weekly to people i that i write to weekly.
so in other words here is a weekly e-mail (YAY) so we've had an amazing week this week in both areas of my district. being a district leader is hard and does require a lot more than being a not a district leader missionary but it is so rewarding. i love being able to hear about the miracles that are just simply poured upon the members of my district each day. it's also really cool because everyone in my district is in the same ward as well so i get to see the people they teach on sundays as well! so we had a very rewarding week with the white family again. they've been having some trouble with their scripture study because they’re not really used to the way things are phrased in the book of mormon. (quick example: whithersoever which means simply wherever) so we spent some time with them this week reading the book of mormon with them and helping them to understand the things that the different verses teach. it was amazing to see how quickly they progressed in their ability to understand. at first when i asked them what they thought a verse meant they would always immediately respond with "keep the commandments!" or "read your scriptures!" because that was what we had been teaching them previously. but as we continued to read with them and define the more book-of-mormon-ish words for them they really started to be able to pick things up on their own. and the more amazing effect is that they would then understand how the scripture would apply to their own lives and their own circumstances. they weren't able to come to church this week because of  frequently occurring family emergencies :(  but we’re going to go see them on tuesday to really teach them about just how important the sacrament is in keeping the spirit with us. we also had a cool experience finding this week. there is a town at the very edge of our area call bookham that i have never ever been to before. mostly because it was in the boonies of the boonies behind the last town anyone even knows about. but as i was looking at our area map last saturday i noticed bookham, it did not have any streets highlighted (what we do after we knock them) on it and i realized that there was in fact a town that i had never been to. this was quite a shock because for a while now i've felt like i know every street and half the people in the epsom area. so we decided to go down there for a day and try the water. (somewhat of a literal expression due to the fact that in light of recent weather conditions i have redefined my definition of what it means to be "raining") after a bit of contacting we met a girl named rosie who told us she knew a mormon. we were exited and asked her if it was someone from the area. she responded yes. she was good friends with a certain paul leppard who just so happens to be our elders quorom president whose house we had been at just an hour before! then after we taught her a little bit about the book of mormon we invited her to be taught and she told us that she was interested in learning more but that if she was going to start learning she would like to have paul and his wife be there as well. (i can honestly say that that was the first time a street contact has asked ME if I would be willing to have a member present lesson) we agreed to her condition quite readily.
i think i might have just mentioned this beforehand but i really really kinda like being a missionary and the gospel is pretty great too. WOOOOOOOT

oh and the church is true!

with love
elder jarman

ps. have i ever not placed any script post of my letter?

pps. there has been a small dodo bird following me around lately.  he seems to respond to the name sheldon and to 1920 show tunes. if anyone has any information regarding the owner please let me know before my companion decided to eat him.

ppps.alma thirty might just be the funniest chapter of the book of mormon

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