dear people i usually e-mail on mondays,
yes yes i know it's tuesday and my e-mail is one day late calm down (that means you mom) i'm not dead! see what happened is that every once in a while here banks go on holidays. don't ask me why it happens or even how it can be physically possible. i don't understand. but unfortunately while the banks are busy dusting off their grass skirts all the public libraries seem to want to join in as well so long story short i now have a strange but undeniable affinity for pineapple. we had an amazing week last week! like i know i usually say that but we had a really amazing week. we just had miracle after miracle after miracle after crumpet after miracle. we met so many new people that are interested in learning about the gospel it's unreal! one of my favorites (except for i don't have favorites) is a family we met. Lee and Nicky who just had a daughter 5 months ago named Zoe. we met with them last monday and Lee especially has been so prepared! he's been a lifelong atheist and never really had an interest in anything religious but because of some crazy circumstances and spiritual experiences he's been having lately (i'm guessing surrounding the birth of his new daugher) he has started to feel like there must be a god. i really just can't wait to go see them again and see them progress! also we met an art student named Ed who lives really close to our flat the other day. we had a great conversation with him on the street and left him with a book of mormon and he told us he was going to read from it soon. apparently as soon as he got home he set it on his desk and his roommate, Tom, came into the room and was super surprised to see the book of mormon there. he told Tom that his uncle recently became a member and that he himself has had a lot of questions because of it. so he had Ed call us and say that he really wanted to learn more. when we met with him later tom told us that his uncle used to be a hooligan of sorts (not exact wording) but that after he found the church he completely changed his life stopped his shenenegenizing (paraphrase), found an amazing wife, and started a just as amazing family. so tom's basic question was what about your church could make someone like his uncle want to completely change his life. we were more than happy to answer his question. we also had a great slash hectic week with the whites. becky had a severe allergic reaction to some of the medication that she's been given to help her overcome her addictions so she had to go to the hospital for most of the weekend. the plus side of it though is that now the doctors were able to medically detox her so that she won't be dependent at all anymore! she still has some pills she needs to take for the next two weeks that make her quite drowsy but she's rapidly improving. great things are happening :)
i think at a previous time i might have mentioned that i really really really like being a missionary and that a mission is basically the best thing that i have ever done ever and that everyone that can needs to try this because it is the best thing ever. but just in case i haven’t i just want you all to know that i really really really like being a missionary and that a mission is basically the best thing that i have ever done ever and that everyone that can needs to try this because it is the best thing ever.
i think that about sums it up:)
love you all
Elder Jarman
ps. if you think about it tulips should be called like six lips or something because they don't look anything like lips.
pps. alma 26 is rapidly becoming one of my favorite chapter in the book of mormon i especially love the part in verse 16 when ammon says "Behold, who can glory too much in the Lord?" the rest of the verse is amazing as well but you guys will have to look it up for yourselves ;)
ppps. post the post the posted script!
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