Monday, October 1, 2012

excuse me sir but i mustache you a question

dear qwerty typers of type face,
so we have miracles to share!!! one fantastic piece of news that relates to the news of this week is that lorraine is finally back from her trip to spain! so we were able to start teaching her again. Yay progress! she still doing fantastic and told us that while she read the book of Mormon on her trip her desire to keep on reading it kept on increasing. so ya the power of the book of Mormon is already kicking into gear. she as well really enjoyed church and contributes really well in the classes. one experience that I'm not likely to forget happened while we were in the gospel principles class. the question posed to the class was "what reasons to we have to believe that there is a god"? so we got this big long list of things like "all things denote there is a god" and how like the stars and the trees and the earth and all that surrounds us are proof that something bigger than us exists. and near the end of the lesson lorraine raised her hand and just said that she believe because she feels in her heart that he's there. It was so cool! and this is something that i've been really impressed with lorraine as we have been teaching her is that she is the kind of person that just has a firm and simple belief in the reality of god. even though she was not raised in a religious environment and had little opportunity in her life to learn about god she has always held on to that belief that he is there because she can just feel in her heart that he's there. i really like her :)
as well we started teaching christine and bobby, a part member family this week. christine has been a member since she was really little but hasn't been around the Church for the last few years. while bobby has absolutely no real previous experience even with the concept of god. it's something that’s hard really for me to comprehend what it would be like to just not Even know who god is or what he is like but unfortunately there are many people that aren't privileged enough to learn these basic truths while they are young. the understanding i have had of god has been one of the biggest grounding principles in my life. no matter what happened i always had the things i had learned, from the time i was tiny, about my heavenly father that i could turn to for help. i just want to share that with everyone, it gives me a lot of joy to share this good news. bobby in fact is really eager to learn, he's been searching for something more in his life for a while now and i feel that he will progress well in his understanding of the gospel.
something i've learned this week that has really stuck out to me is in mosiah chapter 5 verse thirteen when king benjamin says "For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?" two things stuck out to me about this verse. one is that it will be difficult to come to know god if we aren't willing to serve him (which we can do by serving our fellow man) and secondly the fact that if this is true it would seem that the opposite would be true as well. that as we serve god we can come to know him. it makes sense that as we engage in the same work the master preformed while he was here, in giving and sacrificing to serve those around us, we will come to know him better. i've found this on my mission that as i try and struggle to give my everything i am to him i've learned so much more about my savior and redeemer. the one who extended the invitation to "take my yoke upon you, and learn of me" and promises us that in return we will find rest for our souls.
i really really like this whole missionary work thing :)
with love
Elder Jarman
ps. the leaves are starting to change here!!!!!!
pps.i would like to publicly announce (without too much ado) that i now regularly eat both porridge and lasagna.
ppps. someone should probably go resuscitate mom right about now :)

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