Wednesday, September 11, 2013

the barbary of declining crumpets the right to joust

Subject: the barbary of declining crumpets the right to joust

Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 7:14 AM


dear anyone that has ever either eaten green eggs and ham or ever sincerely wished to do so,

We are experiencing some exciting times here in the London south mission. I’m not sure if you guys have been informed on yonder side of the pond but a certain musical was released in London this last week who's title includes the words book, of, musical, mormon, the. not necessarily in that order. So as such we have been seeing many new and exciting advertisements around our area. (i'll send some photos as well) in my opinion, the church may not agree with the content of that musical but there has never been such great free advertising for the church or the book of mormon. Yesterday as we were contacting a guy we stopped told us he knew who we were and after a short chat he closed with saying that he had not yet had the opportunity to see the new musical. We replied by telling him that "the book is always better" :)


In response to the book of mormon musical and all the interest this has peaked in the book of Mormon, the church will be starting a four week media campaign for in london  where the church has bought out several of the largest train, tube, and bus stations around london and will cover all such locations with advertisements for (i'll probably send some picture of this as well.)

We've already began to see the effects that these events are causing and the increase of people referring themselves to receive a copy of the book of mormon or to receive missionary visits.  Baptisms have already occurred because of the musical :)


We’ve had many great opportunities for finding this week which has been some of my favorite experiences.  I seriously cannot tell you guys how much I love doing finding work as a missionary.  I mean think about it, every day we leave our front door with the intention to talk to and make friends with as many people as we possibly can that day.  And then we act on that by talking to everyone that we come in contact with.  We talk with them about themselves, their families, their beliefs, and overall who they are. And then we share with them who we are, what we believe and we invite them to learn more. It is so much fun! I literally can't even begin to tell you (and that’s a literal use of the word literal) about all the amazing and unique people that I have met and befriended on my mission.  And that's just one of the things that wakes me up every morning excited for the day.  I mean it every day when I thank Heavenly Father for the day that he has given me. (side note: anyone that has not yet seen the new mormon message Earthly Father, Heavenly Father, needs to go do that right now)


Robert is still doing fantastic; he's preparing to receive the priesthood now and progresses so much each week. I’ve loved working with the recent converts here in Red Hill because it's amazing to see how much having the Gift of the Holy Ghost changes and supports people.  Watching those changes is incredibly rewarding. With every meeting we have with these people it seems that we teach them less and they teach us more.


I have to go now but I’m excited each week to tell you guys more about the miracles we see each week


Love you guys ton's



Elder Jarman



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