Tuesday, September 17, 2013

when lines are on the decrease the titles of subject are sure to parallel

Subject: when lines are on the decrease the titles of subject are sure to parallel

Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 9:03 AM


Dear anyone who immediately stops liking hair the moment it is detached from one’s head,


I’m going to have to apologize in advance on the length of this week’s e-mail. Those that live close to the temple had the opportunity to attend today (we don't get this opportunity often) and so the time that I would usually be spent in composing and reading e-mails was given over almost entirely to previous mentioned activity. So I’ll just give a few great highlights from this last week. 


Robert was given the Aaronic priesthood yesterday and was ordained to the office of priest! i was fortunate enough to be asked to be part of the circle. all day before the actual ordination Robert was so excited for it to take place. he kept on asking us through the entire church service when it was going to happen. As well another recent convert, of about four months, named Binky who was involved in Robert’s teaching process was able to participate. It’s always so rewarding to see new members of the church already involved in church work and service.


We gave a presentation on ways to share the gospel with friends, and the upcoming London media initiative during Sunday school in church this week. the members of the ward were all very excited about the upcoming opportunities to share their faith with others. Usually when missionary work is brought up, most people approach it with a very dry attitude, as in they're used to getting the same message over and over again. But with the new publicity of the church and all the media work the church is doing in London, soon there was a buzz in the air. We also had the opportunity to have some role plays with members of the ward so they could practice teaching basic doctrine and extending invitations. I got paired with Robert :) he's already doing great on the missionary front.


There is a recent convert in the ward that is still involved in the choir of her previous church. We attended an Easter service in that church yesterday to watch her performance.  After the meeting the vicar came up to me and began asking me questions about the church. We had a great conversation about the restoration and about how truth can be found in all churches. We also had a great conversation about the recent convert, named Susan, and about the work she does for both of the local congregations. Susan is a true Christian in my eyes in that she seeks to serve and love everyone she comes into contact with and is able to easily bridge denominational gaps in order to do so. The vicar declined my invitations to learn more about the Restored Gospel but he did accept an invitation for us to do service for St. Matthews church where he presides :)


I love you all and I wish you a happy Easter!


With love

Elder Jarman


ps. I have literally eaten more chocolate in the last three days than you can shake a stick at. Because after I finished I couldn’t even move to pick up the stick!

pps. no seriously though it was a lot.

ppps. who came up with the word baboon?

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