Thursday, June 7, 2012

sorry i can't have an encyclopedia, i'm allergic to fruit

dear those who live near deer,
hailing from the sweet land of britania, lo yonder sceptered isle,
defined by the crux and crucible of christianic medeviality and
beholded in the eye of those beholden. in modern english i'm basically
in england on a mission and it's freakin fantastic, (of if you prefer
compound words, fan-freakin-tastic). so this week was a different week
because we had both a zone confernace and a conferance that was a
little bit more general (side note general conferance was all like
WHOOOOOOT! and i was like YAAAAAAAAA! and then it was like kaBLAMo and
i was all like WAHOAH!). needless to say general conferance was pretty
great. the bretheren are what the hip and now commonly refer to as
"the" (side note dos: the actual is not in any way
the so don't waste your time with pointless internet
perusing) everything they said applyed to me in one way or another,
some things didn't even apply to this stage of my life but were
amazing revelations for things i don't need to worry about for a long
time. i can tell you all that i have a testimony of living prophets
and i am SO (with extra emphasis on the word so) grateful that i was
able to come to this world in a time where we have them on this earth.
so othre (english spelling for the word other) than general conferance
we had an amazing week in term of miraculous occurances. we taught
more lessons in this week than i have sometimes taught in as much as
three weeks. but i want to tell you guys about the miracle that i feel
applies to every member the most. one calm sunny day in england (thats
where i live currently) me and elder day were walking back to our flat
 pick up
some more materials when we received a call out of the
blue. it was a less active member (who is only realy less active
because of her job) named lorainne who lived nearby to where we were.
she had seen us walking as she was driving home from work and just
wondered if we could possibly use a drink. we accepted due to the fact
that we were not only thirsty but exited to meet with this member. we
were however surprised when we got to her house to find a number of
extra people to the one we were expecting. lorraine had invited her
good friend annie and her daughter named kerry over. we got to talking
to annie and naturally the conversation turned towards the gospel
(that happens sometimes when you talk to missionaries) annie had a lot
of questions about the church but overall was already accepting of
everything we said beacuse she had already heard a lot of it from
lorraine. then as we were talking about scripture 
turned to
lorraine and told her that she had been trying to find a book of
mormon for some time now because lorraine apparently always talks so
much and so highly of it. we happily provided one for her. she was so
exited to receive a copy for herself that she sat down on the nearest
couch and immediately began to pour though the different pages. when
we gave a copy to annie she began to cryout of gratitude. lorraine was
so exited about her friends getting copies of the book of mormon for
themselves that she got our hers and shared her favorite scripture
(helaman 5:12 incidentally) with them and offerend to spend time
reading it with them to help them understand the doctrine. i was
humbled by lorraines example. she apparently spoke so often and so
highly of the book of mormon, that her friends desired the word of god
for themselves long before it was made available to them. she bore
such sincere testimony of
impact of this wonderful book in her
life to those she is close to that they also were able to appreciate
the power of the book of mormon. i've had the book of mormon readily
available to me my entire life, but i am just now beginning to scratch
the surface of just how powerful this book is. i'm just barely
beginning to understand how important it is and just how much of an
impact it can have on my life and the lives of those i care about. if
every member of this church truly understood just how blessed we are
to have the book of mormon the work of the lord would go forth as it
never has before. i love this gospel and i love the book of mormon. i
know it is true and i am so incredibly grateful that i have been
blessed with it from my youth and that i'm now blessed with the
opportunity to share its message with others full time.

with love
elder jarman

ps.i've found out where elder holland li
when he served in epsom!

pps.guess what?! shmorgishborg is a real word!

ppps. if anyone didn't know already, the chruch is true!

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